Comparison of versions 1 and 2

Recognition Engine

Greater accuracy

The recognition engine in version 2 is more accurate. Typically this means about half as many errors as version 1, though this will depend on the type and quality of the sheet music.

Specific areas where accuracy has been improved

* Improved performance on broken stems.

* Better recognition of flags, especially 1/16 vs 1/8 errors.

* Improved performance on long rests and augmentation dots that touch a stave line.

* Text recognition improved using digram and trigram frequencies.

* Better interpretation when notes in different voices have stems that join one another (or nearly).

* Better recognition of slurs and ties, and better erasure of these.

Symbols with old or unusual shapes

* Recognition of more old-style symbols such as crotchet (1/4) rests like a reversed quaver rest and old-style semibreves (whole notes).

* Recognition of unusual styles of open heads.

* Recognition of thin beams.

New symbols recognised

* Dynamics (pppp to ffff plus fp, sf, fz, sfz, sffz, sfp, sfpp)

* Hairpins

* Text other than lyrics. This means text which appears to be attached to stave, above or below, eg musical directions such as "Andante" or "cresc." and guitar chords ("G", "Am7", etc).

* More articulations and ornaments are recognised (marcato, staccatissimo, trill, mordent, inverted mordent, up bow, down bow added to pause, staccato, accent, tenuto).

* More tuplets are recognised. Triplets, duplets, quintuplets, and sextuplets (2,3,5,6) can now be recognised.

* Grace notes and cue notes. (Small noteheads can be interpreted as one or the other, not both in same score.)

* Chords and beamed groups that cross 2 or more staves. (They are split into one-stave objects.)

* Foreign language lyrics. Recognises all ISO-88591 characters which covers nearly all West European languages.

* Text other than lyrics recognised, eg musical directions such as "Andante" or "cresc." and guitar chords ("G", "Am7", etc).

* Stave braces, usually used to indicate a grand staff, are now recognised, so that pairs of staves are now joined at the start of the score.

Front End

Control over recognition

* Can choose whether to: read text, recognise grace notes, recognise old style and other unusual symbols.

* Can choose which characters to look for in text, and which language for lyrics.

* Batch mode which allows you to process many files automatically and has an option to automatically join together all files in a batch.

Import and export

* TWAIN scanning. Version 2 has direct scanning from TWAIN-compatible scanners.

* Grey scale images (not just black and white) are imported as BMPs, TIFFs and scans.

* TIFF images using LZW compression can be imported.

* NIFF export includes the new symbols recognised (grace notes, hairpins, dynamics, etc).

* NIFF export improved in other ways: it deals with ties across systems; notes and rests have voice IDs; ties and slurs have direction tag.

* Version 2 has MusicXML export.

* The assignment of voices has been improved, which makes the export as NIFF, MusicXML and MIDI better (more easily understood by most programs importing files from SharpEye.)

* Image can be saved as BMP or TIFF.

Editor enhancements

* One step undo.

* Tool to add clefs and key sigs to all staves/systems.

* A recalculate triplets option.

* Delete current system or all systems from here on.

* Delete a stave from the score.

* Tool for separating two-note chords into two chords.

* Editing of dynamics (ppp...fff and hairpins).

* Editing of grace notes including addition of slash stems.

* More clef types.

* Editing of tuplets much enhanced (can do 5:4, 3:2 for 1/8 and 1/16 note, etc).

* Multi-measure rests can now be added and edited.

* Auto scroll for editor, esp for re-ordering staves.

* Shift-drag selection box.

* Up/down cursor keys for moving heads.

* Goto next bar with rhythm error.

* Status bar with edit mode, and indication of number of rhythm warnings.

* Option to have stricter rhythm warnings.

* Improvements relating to handling of irregular systems, and the ordering of staves in such systems when they are exported.


* New dialog box providing some simple editing facilities, aimed at visually impaired users and others who don't want to use SharpEye's normal editing facilities. See the "Music Editor" - "Simple editor" in the manual.

* Can play the music as directly from editor, with facilities to play from start, from current measure, or just one measure. Also facility to mute single parts.

* Version 2 has improved rhythm analysis and more control over how it works.

* Various extra warnings, and options to control the warnings.

* Can load .mro files with double click.

* Tool tips.

* More accelerator keys (key shortcuts).


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